Essay on The Hero's Journey in The Dark is Rising: A Mythic Transformation


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The Dark is Rising




Hero's journey in The Dark is Rising

Pages: 4 Words: 928


The line between good and evil runs through the heart of every man, woman, and child. This timeless struggle between light and dark lies at the core of all compelling mythic storytelling. In The Dark is Rising, author Susan Cooper beautifully encapsulates the archetypal Hero's Journey in the character of Will Stanton, an ordinary boy called to adventure in the epic fight against evil. Over the course of five novels, Will embarks on a classically mythic odyssey to gather the magical Signs and talismans needed to defeat the rising powers of the Dark. His quest takes him through the phases of separation, initiation, and return as he transforms from ordinary boy to heroic savior of the Light. With vivid imagination and deep understanding of ancient folklore, Cooper weaves a fantasy epic that speaks to the hero hidden in every child who has ever wondered about a world beyond the mundane. This celebrated work translates mythic motifs into a narrative that is both deeply familiar yet wondrously original.

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The Hero's Journey: A Universal Story of Transformation

The Hero's Journey archetype was introduced by comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Campbell identified key stages in the "monomyth" that appear again and again across cultures and eras in stories from The Odyssey to Star Wars. These stages include the call to adventure, supernatural aid, crossing the threshold, tests and ordeals, attaining the ultimate boon, and returning home transformed. Campbell argued that the Hero's Journey is more than a structural blueprint—it represents the psychosocial transformation as we grow into our potential and move from adolescence to adulthood. The Hero's Journey reflects the universal experience of human development and self-realization.

Susan Cooper was influenced by mythology and archetypes, including Campbell's theories, when writing The Dark is Rising sequence. The series incorporates Celtic, Norse, and Arthurian myth alongside more modern influences to create a hero quest that traverses magical domains. While utilizing traditional motifs, Cooper makes the story contemporary and accessible to young readers. The Dark is Rising sequence struck a chord with its blending of magic, myth, and relatable characters, inspiring a generation of fantasy writers. Five decades later, Will Stanton's journey still resonates as a captivating modern embodiment of the ancient Hero's Journey.

The Call to Adventure and Initiating the Journey

Will Stanton's journey begins when he discovers he is one of the Old Ones, immortal beings who protect the world from the rising Dark. This marks the Call to Adventure, as the ordinary world Will knew vanishes and he is initiated into the circle of Old Ones. Mystical guides like Merriman Lyon appear to help Will cross the first threshold into the magical world. Will faces physical and mental Tests, Trials, and Ordeals as he quests for the six magical Signs. He endures grave dangers and makes sacrifices, even risking being trapped in time outside his own era. With each test he passes, Will grows into his power and learns more about the ways of the Light. When Will finally gathers the sixth Sign, it marks the Apotheosis—he has gained the ultimate boon and knowledge needed to defeat the Dark. Now in full possession of his role and powers as an Old One, Will returns to his ordinary human home, able to harness his magical abilities.

Tests, Ordeals, and the Ultimate Boon: Will Stanton's Quest

The cycle of Will's hero quest aligns closely with Campbell's stages of separation, initiation, and return. In leaving home to enter the supernatural world, Will experiences the separation required of a mythic hero. His initiation occurs through the series of difficult trials testing his mettle as an Old One. The return comes when Will circles back to his point of origin, linking his ordinary life with his supernatural destiny. However, Will's journey also diverges from the Hero's Journey blueprint in important ways. Unlike classical heroes, Will does not venture forth alone but is supported by fellow Old Ones and guides. Additionally, his quest is not linear but recurs over five novels, with cycles of separation, initiation, and return. Will's story is thus both archetypal and innovative, calling upon mythic motifs while asserting its originality.

Derivative or Innovative: The Intersection of Tradition and Originality

Some may argue that Will's journey is too derivative of established Hero's Journey tropes to be considered innovative. Indeed, there are clear parallels to Campbell's framework, from Will's magical aids to the threshold crosses into mystical realms. However, the human experience at the heart of the mythic cycle is universal. Will may follow the monomyth stages, but his unique personality, relationships, and trials distinguish him as a modern reimagining of the archetypal hero. While deeply rooted in folklore, Will's quest is rendered accessible and relatable to contemporary readers through the author's creativity. Rather than diluting its power, the blending of classic motifs with original characters and adventures serves to reinforce the timeless resonance of the Hero's Journey.


In The Dark is Rising, Susan Cooper taps into the primal force of myth while crafting a hero quest relevant for modern readers. By interweaving conventional stages of the Hero's Journey with imaginative world-building and characterization, she reinvents the monomyth for a new generation. Will Stanton's story elucidates the eternal struggle between good and evil that runs through the heart of humanity. His journey to seek hidden knowledge, conquer his fears, and master his own power speaks to the latent heroism within every child. Through Will's example, we are reminded that ordinary people contain extraordinary potential to stand up for what is right and just.

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The Dark is Rising




Hero's journey in The Dark is Rising

Pages: 4 Words: 928

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