Essay on Best American Short Stories: A Century of Shaping American Literature


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Literature in Best American Short Stories

Pages: 4 Words: 1038


For over a century, Best American Short Stories has been one of the most prestigious venues for literary fiction in the United States. The anthology series, which publishes the year’s best short stories as selected by a rotating guest editor, has become both a benchmark of quality and a reflection of the evolution of the short story form itself. Literature featured in Best American Short Stories provides invaluable insight into both the aesthetic goals and sociocultural preoccupations of writers throughout the decades. Examining the stories in this series reveals not just craftmanship in the short fiction genre, but also allows readers to trace the development of major literary movements and schools of thought in America. Given the competitive selection process and prominence of being featured in this anthology, publication in Best American Short Stories marks a major milestone for any writer. This essay will analyze representative stories from different eras of Best American Short Stories in order to illustrate the shifting priorities and styles within literary fiction over time, and to argue that this series remains critically important as both a barometer of and influence on short fiction writing today.

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The Origins and Early Years of Best American Short Stories

Best American Short Stories began in 1915 as a project between literary critic Edward O’Brien and publisher Small, Maynard & Company. O’Brien served as editor for the first 10 volumes, selecting stories that demonstrated what he saw as excellence in technique, imagination, and form. Many canonical authors had their work first recognized through publication in Best American Short Stories, including F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner, and Eugene O’Neill. The series came to define what quality meant in the short fiction genre, although it tended to favor realism and technically proficient narratives rather than experimental or avant-garde work. New editors took over through the decades, often putting their own stamp on the anthology based on their literary tastes. The 1960s and 70s saw more stylistically daring, psychologically complex works featured under the guidance of Shirley Ann Grau and Martha Foley. While realism dominated much of the 20th century selections, genres expanded in the 1980s and 90s under guest editors like Raymond Carver. Today, Best American Short Stories continues to be a career-making publication for many writers while also serving as a means to recognize diverse perspectives and innovative forms within contemporary short fiction.

The Dominance of Literary Realism

From its inception to the 1960s, literature featured in Best American Short Stories tended to exemplify literary realism, with its emphasis on complex characters, plausible situations, and insights into human psychology and society. For example, William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” selected by editor Edward O’Brien in 1930 presents a detailed portrait of a mysterious Southern woman named Emily Grierson and her strange relationships in the fictitious town of Jefferson. Through realistic details about geography, genealogy, and cultural norms in this community, Faulkner creates a believable world for Emily’s macabre story to unfold. His use of a non-linear timeline adds psychological depth as well. This style of short fiction dominated early volumes of Best American Short Stories, establishing literary realism as the benchmark for quality. Stories were selected based on serious subject matter, detailed settings, in-depth characterization and their overall craftmanship. While the styles and social milieus shifted over the first half of the century, realism remained the aesthetic paradigm which guest editors measured fiction against.

Embracing Postmodernism and Experimentation

The influence of postmodernism and related literary movements emerged in Best American Short Stories during the 1960s and beyond. While realism continued in many stories, others reflected experimental and avant-garde sensibilities. For instance, Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” selected in 1973 contains fantastical and mythic elements about a corpse washing up in a remote village. Marquez’s use of hypberbole and magical realism stands in stark contrast to the physical and social verisimilitude of classic realist stories. Similarly, Joyce Carol Oates’ “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” selected in the 1970s employs a modernist stream-of-consciousness and unsettling tone to explore darker themes of alienation and evil lurking beneath suburban life. The inclusion of postmodern, experimental works like these added new dimensions to the traditionally realist emphasis of the series. No longer limiting itself to realism and modernism, Best American Short Stories began incorporating diverse styles, new narrative forms like metafiction, and more speculative subject matter. This marked an important evolution reflecting fiction’s larger departure from conventional realism.

Criticisms of Narrow Representation

Some may argue that the representation of styles in Best American Short Stories remains too narrow. Due to the personal taste and tendencies of each guest editor, some schools and genres of short fiction are likely to be excluded from the anthology. Critics have pointed out that suspense, science fiction, fantasy stories featuring experimental narrative techniques have not regularly been featured. Additionally, some claim that the selection process favors established authors and certain literary circles. However, while these criticisms may have some validity, they do not negate the overall breadth and insight this anthology provides into American short fiction. The subjective nature of selecting “best” stories means some worthy works will inevitably be left out each year. Overall though, Best American Short Stories succeeds in its mission to identify some of the most skillful and thought-provoking short stories published each year by American writers.


For over a century, Best American Short Stories has provided an invaluable record of the shifting currents within literary fiction. Study of this anthology reveals not just the technical growth of short stories, but evolving conceptions of meaning, truth and identity in America. From realism to postmodernism, genre fiction to lyrical prose, the anthology has room for diverse styles and voices. Publication in Best American Short Stories represents a significant achievement that can cement a writer's reputation. As fashions change, the anthology continues to shape literary tastes, reveal the zeitgeist, and provide a benchmark of excellence in short fiction. For both aspiring and established writers today, inclusion in Best American Short Stories remains a hard-won honor and major milestone in a literary career.

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Literature in Best American Short Stories

Pages: 4 Words: 1038

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