Embracing Mortality: Lessons on Life and Death from "Tuesdays with Morrie" (Essay Sample)


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Death in a Tuesdays with Morrie

Pages: 5 Words: 1192


The prospect of death hangs over all of our lives, yet many shy away from confronting and discussing this unavoidable reality. In Tuesdays with Morrie, author Mitch Albom courageously tackles the topic of death head on through the journey of his mentor and former professor Morrie Schwartz as he battles a terminal illness. Morrie faces death openly, utilizing his remaining time to share his evolving perspectives on life and dying with compassion, wisdom and humor. Throughout their weekly meetings captured in this international bestseller, Morrie imparts invaluable lessons about living life to its fullest, the importance of relationships, and finding meaning in one’s own death. This poignant memoir highlights not only the struggle Morrie endures in coping with his mortality, but also the difficulty Mitch has in overcoming his fear and avoidance of engaging with death in any capacity. Their Tuesday talks become a masterclass in how to approach death with intention, presence and an open heart. This essay will examine the nuanced portrayal of death in Tuesdays with Morrie and the shifting attitudes and enlightenment both men gain not despite of, but because of Morrie’sterminal diagnosis. It will analyze how death can motivate us to live more consciously, repair broken connections, find closure, and gain wisdom that may otherwise elude us. Contemplating mortality through Morrie’s journey reveals that death gives life meaning and strips it down to the elements that matter most.

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"Tuesdays with Morrie" and Its Impact as an International Bestseller

Tuesdays with Morrie was published in 1997 and quickly became an international bestseller, remaining on the New York Times bestseller list for over four years. The memoir details author Mitch Albom’s experience reconnecting with his former college professor Morrie Schwartz, who is dying from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Their last class together, a course on sociology of the human spirit, had a profound impact on Mitch. Sixteen years later, Mitch stumbles upon Morrie being interviewed on Nightline about living with a terminal illness. This triggers Mitch to reach out and visit his beloved professor, which begins a series of fourteen Tuesday meetings at Morrie’s home in Massachusetts where they discuss the meaning of life and death. Through this devastating illness, Morrie is forced to confront his mortality directly in his final months. He chooses to embrace it as his greatest and final teaching opportunity. As Morrie shares his evolving views each week, Mitch gains perspective and life lessons that begin to shift his priorities and bring him closer to Morrie than he ever was as a student. Tuesdays with Morrie brings the taboo topic of death to the forefront of public discussion through an incredibly moving personal narrative.

Motivation to Live Life to the Fullest

One significant theme revealed through the portrayal of death in Tuesdays with Morrie is the motivation it provides to live life to the fullest. After his terminal ALS diagnosis, Morrie views each remaining day as a gift to be cherished. He is intentional about deriving meaning from his life, however long it may be. As Morrie’s body deteriorates week by week, his sense of purpose and presence of mind remain strong. He stops taking time for granted, and fills each moment with activities like embracing his loved ones, teaching Mitch, listening to music, and enjoying the natural world around him. As emphasized in his Nightline interview which first draws Mitch back into his life, Morrie wants others to “[s]tart focusing on the day you have...[a]nd make the best of it” (Albom, 28). Confronting the inevitability of death motivates Morrie to find joy and beauty in the simple pleasures of life, a lesson that profoundly impacts Mitch. According to Morrie, “As long as we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had, we can die without ever really going away” (Albom, 152). Morrie’s conscious and intentional way of living, strengthened by his limited time left, teaches Mitch the value of being fully present in each fleeting moment.

Repairing and Reconnecting Broken Relationships

Another key theme related to death that runs throughout Tuesdays with Morrie is the importance of repairing and reconnecting broken relationships before it’s too late. After seeing Morrie interviewed on Nightline and hearing of his terminal illness, Mitch is jolted into reaching out to the professor he had lost touch with since graduating years before. Witnessing Morrie’s grace and wisdom in the face of death gives Mitch the push he needs to face the guilt and regret he carries from losing connection with a mentor who had such a formative impact on his life and view of the world. Over the course of their Tuesday meetings, Mitch is able to make peace with the relationship he neglected when he got caught up in work and career ambitions after college. Morrie views Mitch’s reconnection as a gift, stating “If I’d never seen you again, I would have regretted that we didn’t have these talks when I was younger...” (Albom, 163). Their time together before Morrie’s death allows them to find closure. Morrie stresses to Mitch the importance of rekindling broken relationships, especially with family, before it's too late. Confronting the finality of death motivates Mitch to appreciate Morrie and their bond in a way he had not before.

The Unrealistic Portrayal of Morrie's Fearless Confrontation with Death

Some may argue that Tuesdays with Morrie presents an overly rosy picture of death, portraying Morrie as enlightened and fearless when facing his mortality in a way that is unrealistic. Most people struggle deeply when their death is imminent, experiencing very human reactions of denial, anger, and sadness rather than embracing their finitude as Morrie does. While Morrie certainly fluctuates through various emotional states including depression and frustration with his decaying body, the memoir mainly focuses on the wisdom, acceptance, and peace Morrie obtains through his illness. However, Morrie can be viewed as an inspirational ideal we can aspire to rather than a presentation of typical reactions to death. His example does not diminish the hardship involved in facing terminal illness, but rather offers hope for how to meet death in a meaningful way by living consciously and authentically. Most deal with far more fear and resistance than Morrie exhibits, but that makes his enlightened perspective and inner tranquility in the face of mortality all the more remarkable.


Tuesdays with Morrie presents a multifaceted portrayal of death through the relationship between a terminally ill professor and his former student. Their insightful discussions reveal valuable perspectives on how maintaining presence, focusing on what matters most, and reconnecting with estranged loved ones can provide solace and meaning as death draws nearer. Morrie embraces the challenge of facing his mortality directly, earning deep wisdom in his final months that profoundly affects Mitch's outlook. This poignant memoir suggests we should not wait for a terminal diagnosis to live life to the fullest and share our gifts with others as Morrie does. Confronting death openly ultimately leads Morrie and Mitch to appreciate life more deeply.

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Death in a Tuesdays with Morrie

Pages: 5 Words: 1192

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